Friday, 18 March 2016

How To Put On Makeup In A Moving Vehicle

From a whole lot of activities in the home, it can be a tedious act in the morning for many women and applying makeup is the last thing on their minds *although most of them can't do without it*

What is makeup?? Naaah! we ain't gonna give you a tutorial on what is

Many resort to applying it in the car at traffic lights (which we wouldn't recommend) on the train or on the bus and the results can be slap-dash at best.

Here is our tips to putting on how to apply makeup in moving vehicle (as a passenger though) and still look beautiful although this is not a school makeup routine.

Keep your makeup less

When applying makeup in less than ideal conditions it’s best to remember that the more factors in your makeup, the greater the chance of making a mistake or being allergic reaction to eye makeup
Keep things minimal to lower your odds of ruining the whole makeup process. When applying product, use only a little at a time – large mistakes are more difficult to blend in or remove.

Use Powdered Foundation

If you wear foundation you will know how precise you have to be when applying it. We wouldn't advice you use a liquid foundation as it can go everywhere, including the car, your clothes and hair! It needs to be even and while travelling it is difficult to ensure that it will be applied properly.

Step in powder foundation which is a breeze to apply and buff with a brush, will not go everywhere if you tap your brush first and gives great coverage pretty quickly! You also won’t get any on your hands which is a real plus if you can’t wash them immediately after. Still, best to be careful with loose powder

Don’t Apply Mascara

Most ladies will identify with that feeling of sticking the mascara brush straight into their eyes because they have not been concentrating on the application. Not only is it extremely painful, it also leaves the white of your eyes a strange black or dark grey (eye infection from Mascara) which can take a few minutes to dissipate and is then replaced with an irritated and red look. The best option is to stay away from mascara (just to avoid eye infection from Mascara) and just apply it when you have reached your destination and are stationary.

Go for a Lighter Lipstick

Don’t go for any lip shade that is too dark, just in case you have problems applying it. Something natural and subtle is perfect and means if you stray away from your lip line, it won’t be too noticeable! It also means that if you get it on your hands or it falls it won’t stain.


Unless you are blessed with perfect skin, you will need a helping hand in the form of concealer. A liquid concealer is your best bet as they are easier to blend in and you can leave it drying for a few minutes while you drive or apply your lipstick. However, don’t forget about it and check that you are rubbing it correctly.

Make Sure You Have Everything You Need

If you are planning to apply your make up in a moving vehicle, make sure that you have everything you will need with you. Getting into the car, driving half-way to work and then realizing you have no foundation could leave you in more than a panic *allergic reaction to eye makeup treatment*

Check Your Appearance When the Journey is Over

Whether you are on a train, in your car or on a bus, whatever you do, make sure you check how you look before you get out and go on your way. Sometimes, although you think you have applied your makeup well, it doesn’t look how you imagine so a final check and retouch is nearly always necessary! And also know
when to throw away makeup

So here's the deal, do you think it’s better to be late or to go out without makeup? 

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